
Navigating an internship interview

by Matt Strange in Employment Skills, Success Tips 20/02/2018 0 comments

Going to an interview is daunting, but preparation and a clear mind can get you through this employment hurdle. My experience over the last 10 years managing internships have focused on providing candidates with the below tips.

Simple interview preparation tips

  • Research the website and learn about the business.
  • Prepare some questions about the role. For instance;
    • 1. What will my main duties and tasks be?
    • 2. Will I be supervised? Who will be my Manager/Supervisor in this role?
    • 3. How can I provide you with the most value in this role?
      Important: Think of some questions that are important to you about the role, experience and your long term goal working as a professional within this space.
  • Review your resume and think about the top three skills that you have within your area of expertise. These may be discussed in the interview and can include your strength in communication, working in teams, ability to work autonomously etc.
  • Arrive 5 minutes early to make sure you are on time and not late to the meeting
  • Make sure you dress for success. This may mean suit and tie or formal wear.
  • Make sure you are clean and if you smoke please make sure you do not have a cigarette before the meeting
  • Ensure you stand up to meet the person interviewing, make eye contact and shake their hand.

DO NOT do the following;

  • DO NOT ask the interviewer questions about employment and hiring. This is an opportunity for the business to assess your skills, meet you in person and validate if you are suitable for their business.
  • DO NOT arrive late to your interview
  • DO NOT arrive to your interview in casual clothes
  • DO NOT act rudely or disinterested in the interview or opportunity. The business is interviewing you as they believe you are a suitable addition to their team and respect must be given at all times.


  • Industry Placements Australia are here to support and assist you through your placement
  • When starting an internship, candidates are likely to be given light duties and tasks. Once you build your professional reputation within the business you will be given large projects.
  • Remember that you ARE a professional. Be confident and work hard. The host company want you to work with them and you deserve to be there working with them.
  • Communicate your success with us and contact me if I can assist you further

Industry Placements Australia

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